PERTH WA • Transport & Infrastructure
WA l WEBINAR - Keep Freight Moving - COVID-19 Business Response Survey
FACCI WA Chapter is delighted to invite you to its Webinar to better understand the impact of COVID-19 on the freight, logistics & transport supply!
The French-Australian Chamber of Commerce & Industry WA Chapter is pleased to launch its 2020 Transport & Infrastructure Series with a video conference dedicated to understanding the COVID-19 impact on logistics. Join us on Wednesday 3 June at 11am Perth time.
The WA Supply Chain Covid Response Group ( Western Australia, Western Roads Federation, Northern Territory Road Transport Association and the Freight and Logistics Council of WA (FLCWA)) have released a COVID-19 Business Response Survey to better understand the impact of COVID-19 on all aspects of the freight, logistics and transport supply chain and its workforce.
Lead by Nicole Lockwood, Chair of FLCWA, The Group covers all aspects of the supply chain including shipping, road, rail, air and workforce to ensure the safety of workers in the freight network and secure the supply of essential goods to communities across WA. The Group also provides a single source of information to the Government and its departments agencies seeking information or planning solutions for emerging problems in the freight sector.
Nicole's presentation will provide an outlook on the situation and the challenges Covid-19 to keep freight moving.
The presentation will be followed by a Q&A session.
Please join us on Wednesday 3 June at 11am AWST!

WA l WEBINAR - Keep Freight Moving - COVID-19 Business Response Survey
Event ended.