PERTH Conference & Seminar WA • Energy & Resources
WA | Developing Australia’s Decommissioning, Abandonment and Late Life Asset Management Industry
The French-Australian Chamber of Commerce & Industry WA Chapter is pleased to invite you to its next Energy & Resources event.
The French-Australian Chamber of Commerce & Industry WA Chapter is pleased to invite you to its next Energy & Resources event dedicated to the Developing of Australia’s Decommissioning, Abandonment and Late Life Asset Management Industry.
The event will take place on Thursday 25 November at 5.30pm in-person at GHD in Perth CBD.
With $25 billion of decommissioning activity needing to take place across the country within the next 10 years, Australia needs to turn its attention to the development of its late life asset management industry. A surging market will require a proactive and collaborative response from the industry to translate market size into market opportunity.
Our event looks at providing the market with insights on how to respond to this approaching wave of decommissioning activity by giving the audience an opportunity to hear directly from the regulator, operator, organiser, contractor and innovator that play a key role in that space:
- Cameron Grebe, Head of Division - Environment & Decommissioning at NOPSEMA, will give a global review of the decommissioning planning process/guidelines and execution of learnings,
- Ernie Delfos, Managing Director at ENI, will give a broad understanding of the issues they face and the opportunities they see for local disposal and recycling pathways,
- Francis Norman, General Manager - Decommissioning and Strategy at NERA, will discuss the size of the coming workload and how they can help address Australia’s future decommissioning needs
- Lee Thompson, Director Strategy and Growth at Altrad Services, willexplain how Australia can benefit from collaboration and lessons learned from mature Decommissioning markets
- Neil Pickering, Global Strategic Sales Lead - Global Services Marine & Offshore at Bureau Veritas UK, will provide an overview of how innovation and technology can assist in driving decommissioning costs down.
The panel discussion will be moderated by Ludovic Isautier, FACCI WA State Councillor.
The presentations will be followed by a networking session accompanied by drinks and nibbles kindly offered by our event sponsor,GHD.
We look forward to greeting you from 5 pm.

Event Location

WA | Developing Australia’s Decommissioning, Abandonment and Late Life Asset Management Industry
Event ended.