Michael PulchAmbassador of the EU

Dr Michael Pulch is the European Union Ambassador to Australia, following his previous term as EU Ambassador to Singapore.
Before that Dr Pulch headed the Russia Division in the European External Action Service (EEAS) in Brussels, where he coordinated EU policies on Russia and chaired the EU Interservice Group on Russia. Prior to that from 2006 to 2011 he was posted to Beijing as Deputy Chief of Mission of the EU Delegation to China, in charge of EU policies on China and relations with Mongolia.
Dr Pulch entered the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1986, serving in the United Nations Directorate, before he was attached to the German embassy in Seoul as political officer. During his posting to Washington as deputy head of the Economic Section he covered economic aspects of security policy.
In 1995 Dr Pulch joined the US Division of the European Commission in Brussels focussing on US foreign and security policy. From 1999 to 2003, he was posted to the EU Delegation in Tokyo, where he headed the Trade and Commerce Section that defines EU trade policy objectives for Japan. As deputy head of the European Commission's East Asia Division in Brussels until 2006 he worked on political and economic aspects of EU relations with countries in the Far East/Australasia region. He also co-authored the EU's first East Asia Policy Guidelines.
Dr Pulch holds degrees in law and political sciences from the universities of Bonn, Paris and Cambridge. He received honorary citizenships of the State of Tennessee and the City of Little Rock, Arkansas.
He speaks English, German, French and Dutch.
He is married, with two children.