Michael CarreirasMajor Project Delivery Specialist, Op2 Australia (Facilitator)

Since joining the industry in 2004, Michael has supported a broad range of multi-billion dollar Railway, Infrastructure, Construction and Transportation projects across Asia-Pacific, Europe and North America.
In Australia, Michael has led the project and progress control for the Queensland New Generation Rolling stock (NGR) Project, starting from its early days to the successful delivery and entry into service of the first trains in South East Queensland. He has since then supported other major contracts such as Melbourne Metro Tunnels, Stations & Signalling, Sydney Metro City & South West, Sydney WestConnex and the Australian Future Submarine Defence Program, by sharing his expertise to support a successful project delivery.
Michael also leads FACCI’s QLD Transport and Infrastructure subcommittee, where he facilitates key industry sessions regarding Transport and Infrastructure developments in QLD, bringing together public and private sector professionals for development and collaboration.