Frederic CarencotteChief Executive Officer, CARESTER

Frederic is the founder of Carester. He is a chemical engineer, graduated from the Institute of Industrial Chemistry and Physics of Lyon.
He has twenty-two years of experience at Rhône Poulenc / Solvay, where he started as a chemical engineering expert at the Décines Engineering and Technology Research Centre. He worked for fifteen years in rare earths in France and China in various positions ranging from process engineer to operations manager of Solvay's Rare Earths entity, including plant manager at La Rochelle and director of Solvay's rare earths recycling activity. He devoted the last four years of his career at Solvay to surfactants, as business manager and then general manager.
His mission with Carester is to improve rare earth extraction processes around the world, so that industry can choose the best quality solutions, based on a common belief among all the people involved in his project: expertise is the source of progress. His vision is that together they have a duty to relentlessly promote the expertise that drives them, and above all, to perpetuate French know-how. Frédéric Carencotte is fighting for a responsible French industry.