SYSTRA - ANZ Smart Mobility Lead
Devina is the ANZ Smart Mobility Lead for SYSTRA in the Sydney Transport Advisory Team with more than 9 years of experience in Technology applied to Mobility across Europe, the USA, Australia, Asia and Africa. Her key project roles as Smart Mobility Lead in Australia for TfNSW’s on-demand trial (Keoride in Macquarie Park), for Adelaide’s Smart Mobility Implementation Plan, for Transport Canberra’s Ticketing Project and for the digital aspects of DTMR 10-year Rail Network Strategy, provides her with a unique applied experience of Future Mobility across several states of Australia.
She also leverages her global experience on emerging transport technologies, such as the Copenhagen MaaS trial she managed and the development of the Next Generation ticketing migration strategy for Paris Transport Authority, to guide her team and to engage Government clients in the strategic thinking of Future Mobility solutions.