Darren is cofounder of YDrive. YDrive specialises in providing Autonomous solutions, with a current focus on autonomous green public transport solutions. YDrive is the distributor of Navya autonomous vehicles in Australia and New Zealand.
Darren is a Sociologist by training, but with a bent towards technology. Integrating technology in solving ostensibly social problems is where Darren has found success in the past.
The devastation caused by HIV and Aids in South Africa in the mid nineties demanded a rapid response that not only mitigated the effects of the disease, but also solved the technical aspects of delivering care and treatment to those affected by the disease. Darren introduced innovative technology’s that enabled the monthly care and treatment of over 50 000 people.
‘I am not a technician, but my ability to facilitate the introduction and adoption of Innovative technology, is where I will make a difference.’ D Gough
Darren holds a Bachelor of Social Science (BSocSci) from Rhodes University and a Master of Social Change and Development (MSCD) from Newcastle University.
Darren has worked in various management and project management roles. These include diverse responsibilities, such as running a community newspaper on an air force base, to launching a mental health program and helping to organise the Tiger Moth air race.