Bruce McConnelGeneral Manager, TSBE Food Leaders Australia

Bruce McConnel is the General Manager of Food Leaders Australia, bringing with him a wealth of experience in agribusiness management. Bruce holds a Bachelor of Agribusiness and Diploma of Export Management, and has spent the last 17 years in a range of roles across the Australian finance industry.
Before joining FLA, Bruce was Regional Manager (South West Queensland, Regional and Agribusiness Banking) for the Commonwealth Bank of Australia, and a driver of business growth across the Toowoomba and Surat Basin region.
Bruce has expertise in beef, horticulture, grains and cotton industries and their respective supply chains and export markets. Through his previous roles he has experience in Domestic and International Trade and led the Queensland agribusiness growth strategy for Commbank. He also spent time with the National Australia Bank, including working as their Agribusiness Strategy Advisor.
Bruce brings with him an extensive client base, expertise in business development, innovation and growth, and a broad knowledge of export.
Food Leaders Australia (FLA) is a sister entity of TSBE, and exists to support the growth of food and agricultural businesses to allow them to capitalise on new market opportunities, innovation and export.