Angela AnasisExecutive General Manager, HR Consulting, Talent Solutions, Randstad Sourceright ANZ, Randstad

Angela joined Randstad in 2006 and as Executive General Manager of Randstad’s Consulting Group, leads a diverse team of senior professionals including Randstad Sourceright ANZ, HR Consulting and the Talent Solutions team in Australia. The team comprises subject matter experts and thought leaders that span across employer branding, talent acquisition & management strategies to managed service provider (MSP) solutions and recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) solutions and beyond.
The Randstad Consulting Group is a global talent solutions leader, driving talent acquisition and human capital management strategies for our clients. Angela and her team help organisations discover and develop their "human intelligence advantage" by quantifying the impact of talent strategies; she continuously taps into global best practice across the globe merging 'tech and touch' solutions for our clients.
Being at the forefront in terms of solution design, innovation, the future of work trends, employment dynamics and changing employment landscape; Angela is an active contributor and thought leader in this space and is dedicated to sharing insights from our research and our programs across the public and commercial sectors. Angela also conducts regular senior leadership boardroom meetings and panel discussions to our key clients. Examples of the topics explored are gender diversity, employer branding, workforce barometer updates, and legislative changes to name a few.
Angela has a Bachelor Social Sciences Degree with a double Major in Industrial Relations and Strategic Human Resource Management from the University of New South Wales.